
Les films des deux rives
Pauline Richard
filmsdesdeuxrives [@] yahoo.fr
+33 6 11 68 39 60

Visa number : 149 718
Movie available in French, French SDH, English, and Spanish.

Affiche du film

Photo de la réalisatrice

Nina Faure Réalisatrice We Are Coming

Photos du film

Nina Faure is a documentary filmmaker and author. She directs films about work (Rien à foutre ; Dans la boîte). She documents and participates in feminist struggles, with her short films Paye (pas) ton gynéco, about gynecological violence, and Anatomie Autonomie, about a self-observation workshop. She has co-written, within a group of women authors, the manual Notre corps, nous-mêmes (French version of Our Bodies Ourselves). She co-directed with Pierre Carles On revient de loin – Opération Correa 2. In 2023, she released her second feature film, We are coming, chronicle of a feminist revolution, produced by Annie Gonzalez and C-P Productions.

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